Monday, October 5, 2009

The 7th week already?

Dear Readers (well the few of you that exist anyways),

I apologize for not having kept you all updated, these last seven weeks have been a whirlwind. I love teaching, and it has been an amazing experience thus far. God has truly blessed me with 15 of the most amazing kids in the world. We started at 18 and sadly we have lost a few students to moves, grade changes, the tag program, and divorce. The 15 that remain are truly amazing children. At 4 am when I wake in the morning to groggily greet the new day, I find myself smile at the thought of seeing my kids that day. Each child is so unique and special, I feel blessed to be a part of their world.

On a second note, you are about to see a whole bunch of random posts, that are not all that random. I have decided to use my blog to also count as an assignment for my technology class...did I mention this is due tomorrow? I will write more fluff later. Thanks for being patient.

Yours Truly,

Miss Davis

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Night Before...

It was the night before the first day of the school year and all through the house every creature was stirring....ok I tried...

Anyways, It's 9:04 and my alarm is set for 4 am. It is the night before my big first day. My emotions are mixed. I have spent most of the day pretty anxious, as I don't know what to expect, but I don't feel like I could be any more prepared than I am. My goal is to enjoy tomorrow and just love on my kids. I pray that I have the right amount of authority and honesty, and that I will spend more time getting to know each of my kids than I will spend worrying about doing the next thing. I pray that I won't feel the need to compare myself to other teachers, and that I will do what I know is right in my heart. I pray for a peaceful drive and energy that makes my precious students feel welcome and loved. I pray that I will be able to act silly and fun so that I can reach each child on the appropriate level.

I am exhausted. I pray for a good nights rest, one filled with no anxious dreams. I pray to hear my alarm so that I wake up refreshed and ready to start an amazing year. I am so glad that God is on my team.

I will do my best to write a beautifully detailed account of tomorrow, but as of now I am exhausted and my amazing mentor keeps texting me telling me to go to bed.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A bit overwhelmed...

Thursday (Parent's night) is approaching at a much faster rate than I had anticipated. Today was a long day, and to be honest I don't even feel like I got all that much done, even though I did. There is just so much to always do. The clock is fast approaching 10:00 PM and I must go to bed so that I can be fresh tomorrow. I have a room to finish, a welcome letter to prepare, goody bags to make, to do lists for both parents and students, and so much more. I am feeling overwhelmed, and it is a different overwhelmed than I am used to. Amidst the chaos, I feel a sense of peace that everything is going to work out...I pray for clarity when I wake and a peaceful, cheery, I can do it attitude. I also ask God to give peace to Ashley and April as they are on the same journey I am on.

Monday, August 17, 2009

It's coming along...

This weekend my amazing mother joined me in Waco to work on my room. It was so comforting to have here and what a help she was. I feel like I have gotten so much more accomplished and I feel ever more at ease. I have attached some pictures of my gains thus far....

I have gone with the theme of the famous children's book "Where The Wild Things Are." Most of the decorations were made by using an overhead projector and transparencies of the pictures. I am playing into the idea of imagination, adventure, and wonder. Since I have very little wall space, I have created the wild word wall (but really they are cabinets) and I have created a very inciting bulletin board that I am most proud of.

I have also pretty much finished my reading corner, and so far it looks pretty much how I have imagined it in my head this past year so that is exciting. If anyone has ideas or comments please feel free to share. I still have so much to do and would love some fresh ideas.

God can use any career to make an impact...

I had an awesome moment today. I have many, but this one was particularly special. It was late in the afternoon, and I had just finished my first day of inservice at my elementary school and I had just finished my first official bulletin board. The day was filled with highs and lows as the mounds of information I am being hit with can be overwhelming, but at this particular moment I was high on life. I had just driven back into Waco and was trying to do some quick grocery shopping before my boxing lesson, at my least favorite place in the world...Walmart.

I was waiting in line admiring this precious pigtailed, 3 year old, girl checking out with her daddy in front of me. We exchanged a few silly faces and a smile as she and her dad paid and I began to move up in line. Filled with joy at the moment I glanced up at the clerk and said "what a cute little girl." She smiled and asked me if I had kids. I responded with a no and then continued to say that I was a teacher. She asked me if I liked teaching and I gave her a squeamish smile and said "well it's my first year and I don't actually start teaching until next Monday. So I guess I don't really know, I sure do hope so." She asked me where I was teaching and I told her Killeen ISD...

She said, "Killeen needs you. It's a God thing that you are there. Killeen really needs you. I just moved here from Baton Rouge and I don't even know the district, but I am often given strong feelings from God about things and I know that Killeen needs you and that you are going to be really great."

Aw struck at this strangers words, I just kind of gazed back at her and said "Thank you." Not really knowing what else to say. As I walked away she called after me, "enjoy your first Monday, and you'll be great." I turned and smiled.

As my head and heart began to process what just happened my entire body was filled with goosebumps, and I felt as though God had truly just affirmed all of my beliefs about why I am here at this very moment. I felt so very comforted and at peace. I have had more peace than I ever thought I would as I have begun this journey, but after that moment in Walmart I have felt an even greater sense of peace. My anxiety has mostly been coming from my fears of the first day, but I can't stop hearing those words "enjoy your first Monday."

I will only ever in my life have one real first Monday as a teacher. If it is anxiety filled I won't be able to enjoy it. It is one day and I know it won't go perfect, but I want to truly enjoy it, so that is what I am going to do. I am going to spend that day totally focused on my kids and on getting to know them and developing a bond with them. I am going to enjoy every moment of that day despite the stresses and moments that I am sure to feel like a failure. I am going to be honest and share with my kids my first day jitters and and first year jitters.

Another thing God showed me through my interaction today with Him and the clerk, is that God uses all of us. I have many prideful moments, where I think that I am meant to do great things as a teacher and that it is one of the most influential jobs, and that I am listening to some sort of calling. Although some of that may be true, God uses each and every one of us to do his will. The lady in Walmart today was listening to God and was allowing Him to be seen in her, to impact a first year teacher. Her role in this world is equally as worthy and as honorable as any other profession. How awesome God is. Thank you for showing this to me.

"Eagles come in all shapes and sizes, but you recognize them chiefly by their attitudes." -Schumacher-

Saturday, August 8, 2009

He thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need, letting us in on the plans he took such delight in making (Ephesians 1:7)

A year ago, I decided that I wanted to be an elementary school teacher. This journey that I have been on was surprisingly filled with many rejections, and with each one I began to question if this strong desire to teach was really from God or it was my own will. Each rejection lead to another door that opened and that desire to teach never died. In my insufficiency, I try to make sense of rejection, I try and figure out what it is that God is trying to teach me. Up until yesterday, I thought that God was trying to help me grasp the idea of surrendering myself. Yesterday, I had lunch with the five second grade teachers that I will be blessed to work with this next year. After our three-hour lunch at Olive Garden, I sat down in in my black, dirty, scion, and I realized that whether or not God was trying to teach me something, in his perfection He wanted me right where I am. A year ago when I listened to that faint whisper that told me to teach, God was preparing the way for me to have the ride of my life at Nolanville Elementary school...
The five women I met yesterday are incredible. They all welcomed me with open arms and great big smiles. They were so excited to see one another after the long summer months that there was never a dull or silent moment at the lunch table. They are a community, and they have swung the doors wide open and asked me to join them. I feel so privileged to be a member of this group and blessed that I get to be mentored and "raised" by these women. Each one of these women brings something unique to the group, and it is obvious that there is true love that flows between each one of their relationships. They have created a support system for one another that obviously has a ripple effect throughout the school. They immediately told me that their goal for me in this first year is to keep my head above water, and all I need to worry about it getting my room together. Other than that they will plan the lessons and provide the resources. They will be my advocates and my confidants.
One of the thoughts that has been racing through my mind in this whirlwind is "how am I here? How did I get a job this incredible?" This school is exemplary and has been for years. It is not only one of the best elementary schools in the district, it is one of the best elementary schools in the state. I was chosen to be on an elite team, and the only explanation that I have for being chosen is God. In his wonder, He placed me here to have a first year experience that would be unlike any other. He gave me brilliant women to guide me and shape me. Here I am at 22 with what I believe to be many years ahead of me, and I am getting the opportunity to work with the best of the best.
Although I still have a stomach that turns flips sometimes at the reality of the situation, at the fact that I will be staring into 20 eight year olds eyes in a matter of days, I have peace that God is not one step ahead of me, but has unrolled a red carpet for me to walk beside him on. He is showing me that although this year is going to be filled with many challenges and many emotional ups and downs and probably many sleepless nights, He is going to be there, fully present in that school.

Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening? God doesn't come and go. God lasts. He's Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath. And he knows everything, inside and out. He energizes those who get tired, gives fresh strength to dropouts. For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall. But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like Eagles, They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind. Isaiah 40:27


Thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for putting me in an environment where I will be energized and be strengthened. A place where I will be greatly prepared for a career in education. Prepared to go into high need schools and make a difference. Thank you for loving me in all of my insufficiencies and doubt. For providing more than I could have imagined, even though I let defeat overcome me at times. I pray for focus, passion, and energy to evoke my soul. I pray for selflessness and motivation. I pray for closure and peace. I love you.

Miss Davis

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I got a job!

"God Provides!" For the past two weeks that has been my mantra. Being a first year teacher, this job hunt has proven to be quite the headache. I applied to sixteen districts in the surrounding Waco area, and every single one had different requirements. Due to budget cuts, the economy, and this being my first year to teach the odds seemed to be stacked against me. Sometimes God provides in ways we didn't expect, sometimes we are upset because we don't see how it is that He is providing, sometimes he makes us wait, and sometimes he just slaps a fat smile on our face. After my third interview yesterday, I was driving back to Waco and it was the first time that I felt deep in my soul that whether or not this teaching thing worked out, He would truly provide, even if it wasn't in the way I expected.
At 7:30 this morning God provided, and today has been one of the most exciting whirlwinds of my life. I am a proud 2nd grade teacher at Nolanville Elementary. I already have filled out my paperwork, gotten my ID, seen my classroom, picked up my keys, and I already have been invited to lunch tomorrow afternoon with all five of the 2nd grade teachers. It has all happened so fast that I am afraid I am going to wake up tomorrow morning and have a mild panic attack. Oh and did I mention I start on Monday? The next two weeks are filled with orientations, and then on the 24th I officially become Miss Davis.
I have decided to start this blog for many reasons. 1) I want to have an account of my first year of teaching, 2) I think it will be very beneficial to reflect on each day, 3) I am hoping to receive encouragement and advice from friends, family, and hopefully other teachers, 4) I think it will be therapeutic to write 5) I secretly hope that this blog turns into a book, 6) I want to have a written account of how awesome God truly is and how even when I am at my wits end remember that He always ALWAYS provides!
I have posted pictures of my room. I have two weeks to turn it into a land of wonder and excitement for the 22 eager eagles (that's our mascot) that will be entering my classroom on the 24th. I want my room to be a magical place where learning is exciting and a loving community is built. I want my room to be engaging, colorful, comforting, and a safety net for every student that walks through the red door. If anyone has any ideas, big or small, I would truly appreciate them.

Eagles: when they walk, they stumble. They are not what one would call graceful. They were not designed to walk. They fly. And when they fly,oh, how they fly, so free, so graceful. They see from the sky what we never see.

May you be with me every step of the way. Remind me every day that you are the ultimate Eagle and that you can see all of the things that I can't. Watch over me and my students. Give me patience, give me love, give me creativity, but most of all give me peace. I am so excited to begin this journey with you.
Miss Davis