Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Night Before...

It was the night before the first day of the school year and all through the house every creature was stirring....ok I tried...

Anyways, It's 9:04 and my alarm is set for 4 am. It is the night before my big first day. My emotions are mixed. I have spent most of the day pretty anxious, as I don't know what to expect, but I don't feel like I could be any more prepared than I am. My goal is to enjoy tomorrow and just love on my kids. I pray that I have the right amount of authority and honesty, and that I will spend more time getting to know each of my kids than I will spend worrying about doing the next thing. I pray that I won't feel the need to compare myself to other teachers, and that I will do what I know is right in my heart. I pray for a peaceful drive and energy that makes my precious students feel welcome and loved. I pray that I will be able to act silly and fun so that I can reach each child on the appropriate level.

I am exhausted. I pray for a good nights rest, one filled with no anxious dreams. I pray to hear my alarm so that I wake up refreshed and ready to start an amazing year. I am so glad that God is on my team.

I will do my best to write a beautifully detailed account of tomorrow, but as of now I am exhausted and my amazing mentor keeps texting me telling me to go to bed.

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